Self-care is thrown about a lot these days for very good reason, but sometimes it’s tricky to think of things to do and where to start. The act of self-care is all about recognising your physical, mental, and emotional needs and honouring your own needs. Without regular self-care it’s easy to find yourself in a more anxious, low place. Finding the time to practice taking care of yourself is really rather important and is incredibly beneficial to your wellbeing.
We have put together a list of 30 self-care ideas to help get your started –
001. write a list of 10 things that made you smile | sometimes it’s really hard to notice anything good so it’s good to take some time out to really reflect on your day to really notice those good moments however sleeting they may seem.
002. eat a delicious meal | if you don’t feel like cooking then order in or better yet take yourself out for dinner, your body will feel so much better fuelled.
003. go to sleep early | cleaning up your sleep routine will do wonders for your mental health, even if it seems impossible, try to take baby steps towards a better sleep schedule.
004. take yourself on a coffee date | spending time with yourself and getting comfortable in your won company is just as important as spending time with others 🙂
005. create a playlist | add all your favourite songs or better yet, create a playlist for multiple occasions whether that be to calm you in times of anxiety, lift your mood when you’re having a bad day or one for the gym.
006. watch your favourite childhood film | grab some snacks, a blanket and even a friend to watch your favourite nostalgic films.
007. drink enough water | drinking enough water everyday is imperative for adequate brain function – click here to calculate how much water you should be drinking each day!
008. buy yourself flowers | even better if it’s peony season because you deserve it!
009. write a list of things you love about yourself | even if it takes you a while, there are so many wonderful things about you!
010. deep clean your social media | what our bodies consume isn’t the only thing we should be mindful about – social media can lift you up or send you crashing down to rock bottom so make sure you’re following the right people.
011. sit outside and drink a hot drink | tea, coffee, hot chocolate, turmeric latte – whatever you fancy, just be present.
012. watch the sunset | it’s easy to lose sight of the beautiful of the world sometimes and putting yourself in front of one of natures most beautiful daily gifts is a good way to start.
013. call a friend | call, text, audio message, even write a good old fashioned letter.
014. read a chapter of a book | or even listen to an audio book or podcast, whichever is you preferred way of reading
015. spotify daily wellness podcast | this is a lovely little collection of podcast snippets and songs tailored for you automatically by spotify
016. write a letter to your younger self | think about what younger you needed to hear and be that person
017. write a bucket list | fill it with all the things you want to do – big and small!
018. make a smile jar | whenever something makes you smile, write it down and pop it into a jar to open on new years eve.
019. go for an early morning walk | getting up and out into nature can be a huge mood boost and set you up for the day.
020. put on your fanciest clothes for dinner | order in your favourite or cook up something delicious and eat it in your fanciest outfit.
021. write a to-do-list | even just for basic tasks so you can tick them off and feel accomplished
022. turn your alarm off | obviously this one is a bit trickier but on your days off, leaving yourself to wake up naturally can help you catch up on a bit of sleep.
023. write a list of goals for the month | whether these are socialising goals, financial goals, recovery goals, anything at all!
024. compliment yourself | because you’re wonderful.
025. make a new friend | whether this is online, in real life, wherever – we all shoot our shot when it comes to romantic relationships but lets start shooting our shot with friends too!
026. reach out | there are people there who want to listen, I promise.
027. write a list of all the things you are proud of | however big or small, it all counts!
028. give yourself breaks | work, difficult times, whatever is going on – take time out if you need to.
029. grab your favourite snack | hummus and pita, cookie dough, biscoff spread out of the jar – grab whatever you want.
030. forgive yourself | forgive yourself, learn, move on – you deserve to forgive yourself.
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